About Us
women’s Legal Services Australia
We are the peak organisation for Community Legal Centres specialising in women’s legal issues.
Our members provide women with access to free legal assistance and supports to escape and recover from violence and abuse.
We advocate for law reform and policy development at the national level to improve outcomes for women.
We support women’s legal services to enhance their capacity to provide best-practice, high quality legal services to women.
National Coordinationn
We provide forums for women’s legal services to share information, knowledge and expertise across Australia.
About Women’s Legal Services
Legal assistance
Women’s Legal Services provide assistance with a range of legal problems, including in the areas of family law, family violence, migration law, child protection, and victims of crime compensation.
Integrated practice
Women’s Legal Services provide trauma-informed, wraparound and integrated services to meet a range of needs, including access to social workers and financial counselling.
Community legal education
Women’s Legal Services work in their local communities to increase awareness and understanding of legal rights and entitlements, particularly in relation to family law and family violence.